In the last period of time Professor Dr. Anton Caragea received two times the title of MAN OF THE YEAR for United States Biographic Institute, Romanian Senate MEDAL OF HONOR FOR INTERNATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS and 20 medals and decoration from around the world for his commitment in promoting a new diplomacy for XXI century.
The parliamentarian committee had decided to award him for his key role in promoting European unity, in creating efficient and real democratic oriented organizations that are offering today world models of activity and for his instrumental role in carving a new image of Europe in the world.
The EUROPEAN AWARD FOR DIPLOMATIC ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2014 comes in recognition of this role in opening dialogue and friendly relations with Central Asian countries like Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, in chairing and supporting election supervision bodies that supervised the democratic electoral process and progress in Kazakhstan parliamentary and presidential elections, in supporting the democratic reform in Syria, in promoting the message of peace and reconciliation of peoples of Europe across the world , in promoting the reform and the democratic process in international bodies such as United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and supporting the plans for a general confederation between Europe and Asia in the framework of Eurasia Security and Cooperation Plan and to reform the 1975 Helsinki Treaty.
In all his actions, the voice of Professor Dr. Anton Caragea supported the direct democracy, the social agenda, the true national development and the freedom of speech and the necessity of engagement with the world area without preconditions, false and covered agenda and imperialist and hegemonic pretentions.
The Europe of today owes a great deal of gratitude to Professor Dr. Anton Caragea declared Senator Ionel Agrigoroaei.
Other parliamentarians like: Steliana Miron, Florin Constantinescu Constantin Popa, Dan Ionita, Daniel Fenechiu etc. stated that:
Professor Dr. Anton Caragea is widely recognized as a main European intellectual and lofty personality that is full heartedly engaged in promoting new concepts of international diplomacy, European unity, world natural areas protection offering by his lofty personality a wise leadership for Europe of today and tomorrow.
Professor Dr. Anton Caragea accepted the EUROPEAN AWARD FOR DIPLOMATIC ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2014 with gratitude and declared that the prize is a sign of confidence on behalf on intellectual and true European believers, People that believes that Europe must not preach, must not threat, must not impose sanctions and consider himself as a power against the people. The Europe of today and of tomorrow must support real and direct democracy, must rebuke the imperialist cover agenda, the exploitation of people and must lead by example and by respecting the main principle’s of international law: respect for suzerainty and territorial integrity, refuses the involvement in internal affairs of independent nations, to relinquish the threat of war or the war as instruments of foreign policy, promoting the mutual respect between nations indifferent to the size or population number, economic or military power all countries have the same rights and obligations. Making the base of diplomacy the mutual respect, bilateral interest, equality among nations and totally refuse the use of human right as a tool for promoting imperialist agenda and horrible crimes against humanity.
This are the ideal`s that guided and will guide my activity in the field of diplomacy and international cooperation into the spirit of development and brotherhood among nations and peoples stated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea accepting the diplomatic prize.