2017 is the year to promote Danube Delta: this was the main theme of the Exhibition-Conference: TIME TO DISCOVER DANUBE DELTA! a public information event hosted in Bucharest by the Geological Museum.
Danube Delta has to be in the center of sustainable tourism development and more specially must be at the heart of every Romanian.
Unfortunately, until now only 25% of Romanian population had visited Danube Delta and only 10 to 12% had made long time vacations in areas like Murighiol and Sulina, stated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.
We proclaim 2017 as the year when WE HAVE TO DISCOVER DANUBE DELTA stated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.
The center of Danube Delta discovery campaign must be TULCEA/MURIGHIOL area, a special point with easy access to Danube Delta and an area that had witnessed a tremendous development in the last span of time with the extraordinary PUFLENE RESORT opening as a center for the discovery activities for Danube Delta, stated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.
2017 is THE TIME TO DISCOVER DANUBE DELTA! proclaimed Professor Dr. Anton Carageaa announcing the partnership with PUFLENE RESORT-the Danube Delta perfect host.
PUFLENE RESORT will host in 2017 a new edition of DIPLOMATIC TRIP, program carved out as a discover Romania trip for foreign diplomats by the Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation.
In the framework of cooperation agreement PUFLENE RESORT will also host in May 2017 a special conference to locally launch the TIME TO DISCOVER DANUBE DELTA! program and will carve discovery routes around the complex, to bring visitors to Halmyris castle and to other touristic and cultural scenic beauties of Danube Delta.
The Conference TIME TO DISCOVER DANUBE DELTA! aas held under the High Patronage of Natural Protected Areas Goodwill Ambassador: Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and was officially opened in the presence of Romanian parliament members and of diplomatic corps accredited to Romania.
The music of Danube Delta was represented by a special Lipoveni (Russian Danube Delta minority) community singer.
The music was the best medium to highlight the beauties of Danube Delta during the exhibition opening.
The conference had also benefited by the presence of an exhibition areas that garnered for public pleasure and information 36 canvas paintings and images from Danube Delta, a powerful testimony of natural potential and the unique beauty of Danube Delta-unique ecosystem in Europe.
The guests savored a specific fish meal and regional amuse bouche and enjoyed a concert of traditional music from Russian community of the areas and of fishermen collectivities of deltaic region.
By the conference end all the brochures and leaflets promoting Danube Delta beauties where exhausted, a clear symbol of the interest aroused by the photo exhibition and the joy and expectation to discover the luxurious PUFLENE RESORT-the perfect Danube Delta host.